Isn't it crazy the media frenzy revolving Micheal Vick? I can't believe it, no, wait I actually can believe it and it has definitely helped the cause in bringing the existence of dog fighting to the forefront, and that has to be good news. I guess it also means we don't have to listen to trivial media reports about Hilton or Lohan. Gee, now those uneventful articles were certainly getting old.
Now Vick has used everything in the onset of this trial, from pulling the race card (and if you read comments on, YouTube, and even MySpace you will see that some African Americans may agree with him that this was never about dogfighting and all about Vick being a black man), or people thinking he has been picked on because of his celebrity status, or even that he was never a willing participant, but just succumbed to peer pressure. Yeh, now that was a good one. You know it happens to me all the time, I will be hanging with my friends and as much as I resist, and resist, and resist, every now and then I just can't say no to a quick round of dogfighting. Pleeeeese, give the public credit for having some intelligence. What decent person would even associate with people who organise and/or participate in dogfighting rackets?? They wouldn't. Hey, any respectable human being wouldn't know a thing about dog fighting events in their neighborhood!
So the other day I was wondering when Vick would lose the gag order and actually say something, anything, in order to give the public something other than his smug mugshot to judge. Well, last night I got my wish and managed to see Vick's public appearance and can't say that I was too impressed. Ok, so he definitely won't win an academy award for best actor, but you have to give the guy credit for trying to sound credible. Actually, I wouldn't give the guy any credit at all, and all I could judge by watching his performance is that he is not only a lousy actor, but that he did not show even a hint of remorse for the atrocities he commited against the pitbulls involved. This guy is complete scum and all I thought as I turned off the television was that the only remorse he feels is the remorse for himself at being stupid enought to get caught!
Just lately I have heard talk from various people stating we must now forgive Vick for his crimes. Well, all I can say to that philosophy is that it is obvious that these ignorant souls have no idea what really takes place at a dog fight, and have not had the opportunity to view the dogs that lose in these blood sports OR winners who also walk away with serious wounds. I am actually beginning to think that the losers that are killed are far better off than those losers that are dumped along desolute roads hoping that someone will find them, or the winners that must continue suffering from these sick individuals. The lucky ones are found and rushed to vets in the hopes that they can be sewn back together again, much like a jigsaw puzzle.
These images are disgusting, but this is the realty of dog fighting; the reality of the sport that Vick and others like him chose to participate in. For more information checkout The Working Pitbull, a great website founded by Diane Jessup that is anti-dogfighting, but is pro American Pit bull terrier. You can also see the amazing work she does in training pit bulls for work such as Search & Rescue, Tracking, and most of her dogs will end up working with law enforcement agencies through LawDogsUSA.
ve s of brutality and unspeakable cruelty at the hands of those who gamble on their deaths, while betrayal and death await them at "humane" societies if they are "rescued".
These animals are victims of cruelty.
Don't support "humane" groups that don't include these dogs in their circle of com
thay should be loved and ceared for not for work
Posted by: dog11 | May 27, 2008 at 06:07 PM
Oh i did not expect something like that some thing should be do it is woow i can not even look at thigs if the dogs were not harmed they would be lovely dogs no dog should be treated like that
Posted by: dog11 | May 27, 2008 at 06:04 PM